Installing and maintaining reprepro on Ubuntu
Reprepro (formerly having the working title mirrorer) is a tool to handle local repositories of debian packages.
- local addition of files or automatically getting them from some remote repository
- files are stored in a pool/-hirachy
- uses libdb4.x, so no database-server is need, but information is stored in local files
Prerequisites: have apache2 installed
apt-get install apache2
We start with generating the key
gpg --gen-key
GnuPG is used here for two purposes: Signing the Debian packages (manually) Signing the catalog files (automatically by reprepro) In general, you only need to run this command on the computer hosting the apt repository:
apt-get install dpkg-sig
dpkg-sig will be used to sign the packages
3) Signing a package is done with the following command .Here I have downloaded package openvpn and signed it.
dpkg-sig --sign builder openvpn_2.3.2-5_amd64.deb
to batch sign packages
dpkg-sig --sign builder --cache-passphrase *.deb
Create a repo directory under /var/www to store the repo files so they are accessible over the interweb.
mkdir -p /var/www/repos/apt/debian/conf
Then we need to get the keys
gpg --list-keys
will print out the the ID of the GnuPG key you generated. You will need this id in the following steps.The key in the example bellow is 696FB244
pub 2048R/696FB244 2013-10-21 uid me
create a configuration file for reprepro called distributions /var/www/repos/apt/debian/conf/distributions
nano /var/www/repos/apt/debian/conf/distributions
Inside the file enter the following data ensure you add the key we got in the previous step
Origin: Label: ubuntu repo Codename: precise Architecture: i386 amd64 Components: main Description Apt repository for Stelios SignWith:696FB244
Installing reprepro
apt-get install reprepro
- PLEASE NOTE you have to run the below command from your repository directory, ie the directory containing the conf folder.) /var/www/repos/apt/debian/conf).
In this example i am creating a repository for ubuntu 12.04 but this can be done for ubuntu 14.04 Debian 7 Debian 8.It doesnt matter as long as you use the correct name(jessie, precise...)
reprepro --ask-passphrase -Vb . includedeb precise /srv/packages/openvpn_2.3.2-5_amd64.deb
or to move multiple
reprepro --ask-passphrase -Vb . includedeb precise /srv/packages/*.deb
Then export the key
gpg --armor --output Main.gpg.key --export 696FB244
Copy this to a webserver under /var/www/repos/debian/conf
10)That’s it .Now to add the repo to ANY UBUNTU RUNNINGMACHINE
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
And add this to your /etc/apt/sources.list
deb precise main
Useful commands
First you need to change the distributions contents to whaever you want then runreprepro --delete clearvanishedThis deletes packages that are no longer referenced
Now just re –mport the packages like before
reprepro --ask-passphrase -Vb . includedeb precise /srv/packages/*.deb
to remove package dpkg for example
reprepro --ask-passphrase -b . remove precise dpkg
to remove packages that appear although they have been overwritten by newer ones
reprepro deleteunreferenced Creating custom packages